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Spirit & Body Shop

Peruvian Palo Santo

Peruvian Palo Santo

Regular price $7.81 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.81 USD
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Peruvian Palo Santo is smudging tool that you light or just keep in your possession. It has a lemony yet more of a musky masculine smell and is thicker in width with squared ends in comparison to the Ecuadorian Palo Santo. Palo Santo "Holy Wood" is used to clear negativity and blockages. While also bringing in healing, positive energy, and good fortune. It's also said to soothe anxiety and repel mosquitos.


If lighting for cleansing. Open all windows in the house so smoke can escape. Then hold & light the tip of the palo santo. As smoke produces from the palo santo start from the back of the house & then work your way to the front of your house. As you are moving around the house holding your palo santo stick state your intention on what you want be done like for example " I want clear all the negativity and in return bring in peace, prosperity, and good fortune into the home or within your vicinity if you're outside.


  • Please use responsibly & use fire safety protocols.
  • Never leave it unattended.
  • Keep away from children & pets.
  • Keep away from flammable objects.

When purchasing this item you agree that we will not be held liable nor responsible for misuse, damages, and injuries.

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